BDSM 101 – How to Survive Sub Drop After that Kinky Scene Last Week
A Submissive’s Guide to Recovery
Bea Amor
Remember the last time you played with that delightful new dominant and the scene was so great that you floated for three whole days. Nothing in the world could have bothered you and life was just dandy. Your boss at work could not have been happier with your output and you even went and volunteered at the hospital once. Okay, okay, I admit I was getting carried away. Anyway, the point is that I am sure you remember that special few days after your last beating or paddling. Then suddenly your whole world came crashing down around you. Yes, it crashed and you felt as if you could easily jump off that bridge outside your apartment.
I bet you that you did not know what caused this? I do though. Listen up and learn from me oh ye of good faith. It is called sub drop. Sound familiar yet? I certainly hope so or else I should come and join your community, as you guys seem to have found a magic cure to sub drop.
Sub drop is chemical as well as emotional. Your body was pumped up with adrenalin and endorphins and the high lasted for quite some time. When it readjusts, it causes you to crash. It is much like the high of intoxication actually. That hangover really sucks doesn’t it? Well, take heart for there are things you can do to fix this and they are small insignificant steps to feeling better too.
You need to make sure that you stay in contact with the dominant you played with, even if it is only a few phone calls after the scene. This is an important part of after care in my opinion. That contact will make you feel less alone and frightened, because this sudden change in mood can be quite frightening. That dominant could even come around when you hit the low to just hold you if at all possible. You could just continue playing though, but hey that is the fantasy isn’t it? Call the dominant and ask for contact if you need it and you are close enough.
You can also do the self-pampering thing. Buy some chocolate or your favorite candy and indulge. Fill up a bath with soapy bubbles and spoil yourself with your favorite CD while taking that long soak. This has always helped me too. There is nothing like telling yourself how special you are. Curl up on the couch or on your bed and read your favorite author. Don’t do anything else, even if the house needs cleaning. This is time you need to give yourself.
Go see your family and spend some time hugging them and showing them how much you love them. If you do not have the energy let them show you how much they love you by demanding hugs from each of them. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself how beautiful and special you are. Do this twenty times if you have to.
The next day you will feel fine. A little love goes a long way. Just to illustrate how powerful that human contact is, since living with my dominant I have not experienced sub drop once. The constant interaction has prevented my body and hormones to lash out at me that way. Hopefully you will have that some day. If this isn’t possible, you at least have some coping tips now that will help you survive the aftermath of kink.